St. Paul’s is located in the 'Little City' of Vergennes, Vermont. Our parish community encompasses families and friends from many towns, located primarily in northern Addison County. We also have many returning summer friends and members who come to the lovely surrounds of Lake Champlain. Given the diversity of our members, we are engaged in a variety of community activities both within and outside the walls of St. Paul’s.
We welcome all parishioners and non-parishioners to join our commitment to providing food and shelter to those in need. Please read more about these activities in our Outreach page.
Our restored G. Hook organ attracts annual visits from organists throughout New England as part of their tour and concert series.
We have also been engaged in a strategic planning process to encourage broader community use of our buildings and grounds. This effort called, Strategic Initiatives in Sacred Places, has been a multi-year process through which we hope to make our central City location more inviting to the greater public.
Please read more about these and other ministries and activities throughout our website.
At St. Paul’s we define stewardship as caring for and using all the gifts that God has given us to fulfill the work He is calling us to do
While the budget is important for the day to day running of the church and our ministries, we consider the generous gifts of time and talent as important as well
The Episcopal Church has a long history of service to local and global communities
St. Paul’s is an inclusive church that accepts people wherever they are socially and spiritually
We are committed in supporting the people in our community, loving our neighbors as ourselves
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has always been an active congregation in the “Little City” of Vergennes, VT
Helping to define the architectural character and beauty of downtown Vergennes, St. Paul’s has always stood firmly throughout the city’s long history
While our buildings are primarily an historic place of worship, they are also assets for service that can help fill needs in our community in new ways
St. Paul’s was involved in the SiSP (Strategic Investment in Sacred Places) program
provided through Partners for Sacred Places from 2014-2016. The information we
learned provided us with the foundation to help envision ways in which we could use our
buildings and outdoor spaces in partnership with community members.
After working with community members,
St. Paul’s has recently launched our first major project, the Community Green space at St. Paul’s
The Episcopal Church in Vermont is called to share in God's loving, liberating, life-giving mission.
We gather as communities of faith for worship, formation, shared fellowship and support. We gather to meet Jesus in Word and Sacrament, to know Jesus more deeply and fully. And we are sent into the day-to-day living of our lives as followers of Jesus with the opportunity of joining ourselves more fully to the loving, liberating and life-giving mission of God already underway in the world.