All that we are, all that we have comes from God and will one day return to him
Stewardship begins not with the mission of the church, nor the needs of its institution, but rather with God’s abundance and our response to it.
Stewardship is living out our lives with the belief that all we are and have is God’s, entrusted with us to share.
At St. Paul’s we define stewardship as caring for and using all the gifts that God has given us to fulfill the work He is calling us to do. While the budget is important for the day to day running of the church and our ministries, we consider the generous gifts of time and talent as important as well.
Annual Pledges support our mission and ministry through daily operations, educational programs, outreach, and various other ministries.
All are welcome to support St. Paul’s through an annual financial commitment or pledge. Typically, we introduce our pledge campaign in October.
In recent years, we’ve explored different themes such as Transforming Generosity, Seeds of Giving, and Walking the Way.
On Stewardship Sundays, we encourage members of our congregation to share the thematic readings of the day and reflect on how the text fits into their spiritual journey at St. Paul’s. We have found that sharing our stories is a wonderful way of getting even closer to our parishioners than we already are.
The Stewardship committee then asks by letter how they might share their abundance and pledges are collected at a special Ingathering service prior to Thanksgiving.
Planned Giving is an ideal way of gifting to St. Paul’s from your resources both during and after your lifetime. Planned gifts are usually made in three ways: a bequest in a will, a life-income gift, or a gift of special assets.
Planned giving plays a vital role in our church’s ongoing ministry.
Time and talents are very much part of our giving. Your time and talents can make an enormous difference in accomplishing our mission and ministry.
For example, you can participate in a variety of ministries including: outreach to our community and worldwide, along with worship, and education.