Sherry Osborn, Interim Pastor
In gratitude for the many Episcopal dioceses, Christian educators and clergy who have helped compile many of these resources.
Creating Sacred Space - Lent, Holy Week & Easter
Make an Altar at Home - Sharon E. Pearson, Rows of Sharon
How to Set Up a Prayer Table - from the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Holy Week in a Box - by Building Faith Editors
Holy Week at Home: Family Prayer Practices for the Triduum - by Jersalem Greer (Building Faith)
Maundy Thursday at Home: Stripping the Table - by Jerusalem Greer
Easter Sunrise Breakfast at Home - by Traci Smith (Building Faith)
Talking & Praying through Holy Week with Children
Holy Week, The Cross and Children - by Elizabeth Windsor (Building Faith) can give adults confidence talking about the tough stuff with children.
Coronavirus, Anxiety, Children and the Church - by Angela Compton Nelson (Building Faith)
Faithful Parenting in a Pandemic - by Wendy Claire Barrie ( offers some good ideas for different ages to engage, reflect on what’s happening
Look for Gifts: Praying with Children During a Pandemic - by Christine V. Hides has a great idea for a prayer jar, but it’s definitely not JUST for praying with children!
Homebased Worship & Community - Connected-in-Common, Diocese of CO
Agape Meal - The Love Feast - A Christian fellowship meal that can be used at home. From the Episcopal Church in Maine.
Singing & Chanting:
Worship Resources:
* Sermons That Work, Resource of The Episcopal Church
* Journey With Jesus - Fine Sermons & other global resources
Mission of St. Clare - Daily Office online (audio)
* Pray As You Go - Daily scripture, music and meditation (audio)
Worship & Faith Formation Online Opportunities:
* Fellowship Café @ St. Paul's - Our own time together for prayer, conversation and song. Sunday’s @ 9:30 a.m. & Wednesday’s @ 7:00 p.m.
Godly Play Sunday School - St. Stephen’s, Middlebury, VT; Virtual Godly Play session Sunday’s at 10:00 a.m. using Zoom.
* Online Prayer with Bishop Shannon - Daily Prayer offered via Zoom 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:00 p.m. Compline 11:00 a.m. Sunday prayer service
* Sunday Liturgy of Word & Prayer, St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington, VT- Live & recorded with music
* Washington National Cathedral - Live & recorded Daily Morning and Evening Prayer w/ music; Sunday online Holy Eucharist
* Resources The Rev. Sherry Osborn has used or currently uses for personal use.